3- # of days it took to sell our condo
30- # of days we were given to move out
5- # of weeks we'll be living with my parents
3- # of times we'll have moved in 2012
3- # of months until Connor arrives
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Father's Day
Dear Grace,
We spent Father's Day at the Thompson's house this year. You are nonstop these days. As you can tell from the few pictures we took below, you barely sat still for a photo opp. Enjoy!
An extra special 'Happy Father's Day' to Michael, who is an unbelievable husband and Daddy to you. Happy Father's Day to Papa Lon and Grandpa Den too. We are so lucky to have such good Grandfathers in our lives. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
We spent Father's Day at the Thompson's house this year. You are nonstop these days. As you can tell from the few pictures we took below, you barely sat still for a photo opp. Enjoy!
An extra special 'Happy Father's Day' to Michael, who is an unbelievable husband and Daddy to you. Happy Father's Day to Papa Lon and Grandpa Den too. We are so lucky to have such good Grandfathers in our lives. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
You insisted on sitting next to your 2nd cousin, Spencer, and couldn't believe he hesitated when you asked him to read you a book. I witnessed sweet moments between the two of you as you sat attentively listening to every word he read.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Dear Grace,
We have had some long and anxious evenings this month. We've sold our condo and have to be moved out in about a week and a half. Even though things have been crazy, I've tried my best to keep things as consistent for you as possible with your little schedule. You and I are both finally getting better after being sick for a couple weeks. The other night I went into your room to cover you up and you were spooning with Winnie the Pooh! I just had to take a picture with my phone. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Millenium Park
Dear Grace,
You had to have your blood drawn yesterday as part of what will now be your annual pediatric allergy appointment. I gave you peanut butter and you broke out into hives, so you definitely have a peanut allergy.
The lab was right next to Millennium Park so we explored the bean and the fun water area. It was a hot day so we didn't stay too long. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy

You had to have your blood drawn yesterday as part of what will now be your annual pediatric allergy appointment. I gave you peanut butter and you broke out into hives, so you definitely have a peanut allergy.
The lab was right next to Millennium Park so we explored the bean and the fun water area. It was a hot day so we didn't stay too long. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy

On a side note- I bought an iPhone last week and love the 'face me' option on the camera.

You never went close to the architectural water fountain, but you sure did have a great time dancing and sitting in the puddles around us.

Other kids were decked out like they were at a water park. We left with you in a dry diaper and a random white top that happened to be in your diaper bag! :)

Yesterday reminded me of our days spent in London. Just the two of us being tourists in our own city.
Memorial Day
Dear Grace,
After we worked the beginning of the weekend, we had the rest of the time to enjoy with our family and friends. Happy belated Memorial Day. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy

After we worked the beginning of the weekend, we had the rest of the time to enjoy with our family and friends. Happy belated Memorial Day. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
You loved playing in the water with your squirt toys and bucket.
Matt sandwich.

You were introduced to a baby pool. Everyone tried encouraging you to jump on in.
Vinny wins the award for going the extra mile.
"Stare at the baby. Stare at the baby."
The life vest says it fits a little one Grace's size. hmmm...
It looked a little less snug while you were standing.
Next stop-Family pool time at Aunt Jeryl's house. I respected the fact that most of the party didn't want their pictures taken in their bathing suits, so I'm a little limited.
Grandma and Grace

It's so nice that you like being in the water. Aunt Jeryl has motivated me to purchase a more comfortable boating swim vest for you. This one is perfect for a pool.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Lake Weekend with Friends
Dear Grace,
We spent this past weekend at a lake in the Indianapolis area with great friends. It was the perfect time filled with rug rats running around, time on the boat, flinking, a kiddie pool and a fire pit for making Smores at night. You swam in a lake for your first time and loved it. At one point we thought you were going to fall asleep in my arms.
We were able to say a proper goodbye to the Spitzer family who will be moving to Colorado in a couple weeks
Thank you to the Vetors for hosting our memorable weekend and a special thanks goes out to Barb Vetor for being an extra set of hands. We were able to spend some QT on the boat while the little ones took their afternoon naps. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy

Monday, June 11, 2012
Working hard or hardly working?
Dear Grace,
We can't wait to continue spending our free weekends out at the cottage. After being away from it for a couple of summers, I already feel like we are making up for lost time. Memorial Day weekend was spent working on Saturday and playing on Sunday. Opening up a cottage is a lot of work and unfortunately (okay, sometimes fortunately) someone always has to take a break to make sure you're not getting into any trouble. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
A good life lesson is to slow down and take the time to smell the roses.
I'm pretty sure you walked around just smiling at the blue sky for 5 minutes, which is an eternity for a toddler.

You thought it was a riot to dump your bucket all over yourself.

Last job of the day was to hang the flags.
All I'm going to say is that Grace is wearing red and white.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Grace's 1st cottage visit
Dear Grace,
We began Mother's Day weekend at the cottage. Since we were in London last cottage season, this was your first time there. We ended our weekend with a fabulous meal at Grandma Patti and Papa Lon's house with your Aunts and Uncles from the Thompson side. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy

We began Mother's Day weekend at the cottage. Since we were in London last cottage season, this was your first time there. We ended our weekend with a fabulous meal at Grandma Patti and Papa Lon's house with your Aunts and Uncles from the Thompson side. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
Oh, the red hammock. Mommy's favorite spot at the cottage. You let me share it with you for a couple wonderful moments.
Grammie Mo bought a little stool for you. You'll pull it out from under the big bench so you can have your own little spot to sit.
Enjoying the view with Daddy and goofing around with Grandpa Den.

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