Magic Kingdom was filled with so many characters and either very short or nonexistent lines. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
Talk about being in the right place at the right time. We turned the corner to find Mary Poppins starting her photo shoot shift.

We were able to get a fast past to see 3 Disney princesses and Mickey & Minnie. We literally waited 5 minutes to see all of them!
Cinderella told us she didn't want to give you back.
Belle took the time to compare the flowers on both of your dresses.

But, by the time we met Aurora, you no longer wanted to take a picture alone. As we were leaving her you were blowing her kisses and waving goodbye.
You literally had to be held back to avoid cutting the line to see Minnie.

Giving Minnie a kiss on her nose.
Group photo opp.
Dinner at Cinderella's Castle is the perfect Disney experience for little girls. The castle itself is impressive. You walk in and are greeted by Cinderella herself. You're given a picture package included with your meal.
You then walk up a spiral staircase to the dining hall where ladies are handed a wand and knights are handed a sword.

You then have the pleasure of meeting 4 of Cinderella's princess friends.
Snow White
Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Daddy still isn't sure who she is.
Mommy's personal favorite, Ariel, from The Little Mermaid.
Belle from Beauty and the Beast.