Thursday, March 3, 2011

Poor Baby

Grace got sick for her first of probably many times. The pediatrician wanted me to bring her in since we were leaving for the weekend. Her symptoms were: rough cough, runny and stuffy nose,vomiting, and we could feel the raspiness in her lungs when we held her. However, she is still happy and calm as ever! She tested positive for RSV. The doctors said it will go away in a couple weeks, to not worry unless she doesn't have 3 wet diapers in 24 hours, and to resume normal activities. I definitely was the one who gave it to her because I had the exact same symptoms the week before and I LOVE giving Grace Mommy kisses...oops!
Having our own personal NICU nurse with us all weekend, made it extremely easy to spend quality time with Mommy's girlfriends in St. Louis. Thanks, Nurse Kat...can't wait to see you again in Minnesota for Lauren's wedding!


  1. JP had RSV around the same age! It was awful, the wheezing and raspiness really freaked me out!

  2. I got it from you too! Thank goodness Sam didn't come down with it.:)

  3. OH MY...SO SORRY! That's why I called ahead of time. Are you feeling better yet?

  4. Oh yea I was over it when I posted this :) No worries...its happens.


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