Friday, February 3, 2012

Sweet Home Chicago

Dear Grace,

We have safely arrived back home in Chicago. Even though we were anxious to get home, the flight was surprisingly smooth and fast. It started with you being randomly selected by the US government to be searched just before boarding the plane. 13- month olds do look suspicious. You slept a grand total of 1 hour on the 7 hr and 45 min flight. Now that you are completely walking, we took turns taking hot laps around the bathroom area. We only saw real tears of yours after you smashed your finger in the window between your seat and Daddy's. We still don't know how you put up the window, since you weren't able to reach the button. Thank you BP for requiring all employees (and families when moving) to fly business class only. It was amazing having the space, but don't get used to this taste of the good life. I don't think I will ever be able to justify the ridiculous price difference. Personally, I'd rather take 4-5 more international trips than one trip with better food, free alcohol, twice the amount of space, and an exclusive lounge at the airport. It was a cool experience and I did feel special

Unfortunately, in the moving process over the weekend in London we have lost our camera. I'll stick with lost because we have no proof of it being stolen (and I feel like being optimistic at this moment.) 

After taking another 25 or so min cat nap in the back of Grammie Mo's car (thank you for picking us up), you stayed awake until 6:30 PM Chicago time (12:30 AM London time). Your energy level was impressively high. You explored this place with Daddy and L Gumball, while I slowly passed out on our bed. I already feel like a spoiled American with my good mattress, ice machine, comfy couch and excellent TV. Superbowl weekend- what good timing to move back. BTW, moving day was also Groundhogs Day. Random. I know. Thanks to my family, we moved into an immaculate place, completed with fresh flowers on the mantel place, and dinner (including dessert and whole milk for Grace) ready for us in the fridge! What a great feeling! Thanks family!

In about 14 hours time, we went from feeling at home at our friend's place in London to our place in Chicago. Blossom family- thank you for opening up your home to us this week. It was the perfect way to end our London experience. Thank God Amber's parents live in the Chicago-land area. Blossoms and Harts, you're already missed. I can't believe how quickly our friendships developed. What a neat chapter in our lives we were able to experience together. 

I've been wide awake since 4 AM Chicago time, trying my best to ignore you talking in the room next door. Time to start our day and get ready for the movers who come at 9 AM! 

Love, Mommy and Daddy

PS Your next adventures: sleepovers at the Grandparent's while we spend some overnight trips with friends and each other. :) 

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