Dear Grace,
There were only a couple things left on our London to do list. My first attempt was trying to see a play at the Shakespeare Globe Theater with Daddy. I literally called the box-office the week after they were closed for the season. Of course it doesn't open up until after we move. My second attempt was going to Kensington Palace. You and I would frequent that beautiful garden during the warmer months and I didn't want to waste precious outdoor time spent with you inside the palace. I waited a day too late....
Love, Mummy

Kensington Palace had a huge fence around it since we've been here due to construction. We were excitedly approaching the princess museum inside, until we came across this sign...

Womp, Womp...

The sign did say The Orangery remains open. Don't mind if we do...

As we were seated, I looked at my watch. 2:00 PM. Perfect for tea time with my little girl. Thank goodness it was a very casual restaurant because we weren't exactly dressed for the occasion.

There was even a cute explanation of the history behind tea time...
"According to legend, Anna Stanhope is the creator to tea time. Back then breakfast and dinner were huge meals and lunch was very light. Since Anna became hungry everyday around 4 PM, she had her servants sneak her a cup of tea and bread stuffs. She then began inviting her friends to Belvoir Castle for an additional meal at 5 PM. The menu centered around small cakes, bread and butter sandwiches, assorted sweets, and of course, tea. The summer practice proved so popular, the Duchess continued it when she returned to London, sending cards to her friends, asking them to 'join her for tea and a walking in the fields.' The practice of inviting friends to come to tea in the afternoon quickly picked up by other social hostesses."
"Today, afternoon tea is one of the most special times of day in London. An occasion one looks forward to with a great anticipation and high expectation for a perfect experience."
Grace, I'm very happy I was able to share this traditional mommy/daughter moment with you while we were living in London.