Grammie Mo has wonderful memories of dressing up and going downtown Chicago around the holidays when she was a little girl. She remembers eating dinner at the Walnut Room and seeing the HUGE Christmas tree and windows at Marshall Fields. We are excited to continue on this family tradition. Enjoy!
Love, Mommy
Grammie Mo, Grandpa Den and Uncle Matt headed into the city about 10 minutes before we did and were ready outside the doors of Macy's when they opened. They were able to head right up to the Walnut Room and wait in a short line. The timing worked out perfectly. We arrived and were all seated right below the Christmas tree.

We even met a fairy princess who sprinkled magical fairy dust on Grace.
Our fancy Christmas meal went so well, we decided to push our luck with an infant and toddler in tow. We decided to meet Santa Claus! Again, we lucked out. The entire Santa experience was only about 30 minutes. Grace met Graceland, who gave you a lot of attention and showed you how to turn on the bears.

We were entertained with the interactive displays all the way into Santa's living room where he was patiently waiting for us. Santa was a natural with you two.

Happy Holiday Season!