Monday, November 26, 2012

Shed Aquarium

Dear Connor and Grace,
A couple weeks ago we went on our first major outing as a family of four. Since it was an unseasonably warm Saturday in November, Daddy and I thought it would be a fantastic idea to go to the zoo. After paying for parking, it literally started down pouring as we sat debating what to do inside our dry car. There were too many factors against us this time: 
Infant. Toddler. Proper stroller rain gear left at home. 
Once both of you were fed, and put back in your carseats, we headed into the city. After spending basically our entire morning getting you two ready and packing up the car, we were going to do something fun! We headed into the city to the Shed Aquarium. Daddy can't remember the last time he was there and has been throwing out the idea since we've moved back from London (including that morning). I guess I should have listened to him. Enjoy! 
Nierengarten Family 0 - Zoo 2
Until our next rematch...
Love, Mommy

Of course the weather was perfect in the city. Yes, we did check the forecast before we left. Unfortunately, we only checked our quick App that gives the current weather for our current location. Current being the key word....Munster and not Brookfield. The weather back home was gorgeous allllll day. 
As annoying at the morning was, Daddy and I were in great spirits. I'm so grateful that we both decided to go to the aquarium instead of getting overly frustrated and traveling back home. I give a lot of credit to our great moods due to the fact that GMa and Papa watched you two for 6 hours later that night while Daddy and I went out on a hot date in the city for my birthday. Yes, we went to the city twice in one day. 

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